Saturday, February 25, 2012

I intend to buy Dragon Age II, before that i want to whether it is a good game or not? ?

It's alright. Not horrible, but not great either.

Dragon Age: Origins is much better.

In response to Mayall:

True, sometimes change can be a good thing. I'm a person that isn't threatened by change in general, and sometimes some games change in a way that improves it overall. (Mass Effect 2, for example. I can begrudge the game all I want for removing everything that made it an RPG and introducing regenerating health. But it was an overall better designed and, a generally better game than ME1)

However, sometimes, the "change" is bad. Very, very bad. How bad?

DA:O had been in development for 5 YEARS before it came out. DA2 came out LESS THAN A YEAR LATER.

How can a sequel come out less than a year later, to a game which took 5 years to develop? And how could it possibly retain the same level of quality? It can't. And it doesn't.

In fact, Brent Knowles, the man responsible for leading the design of Dragon Age: Origins, actually refused to be a part of the DA2 team and quit Bioware completely because of how disappointed he was in the game. That alone should tell you the extremely questionable nature to the quality of the game, when the lead developer quits the company and refuses to develop it.

Like I said, it's not a horrible game. It's a fairly decent game with a lot of disappointing design shortcomings. If DA2 was made by a different company, and had nothing to do with the Dragon Age setting and lore, it would be a good game. The few "improvements" will quickly become hollow.

Combat flows faster, which is good. Combat animations are ridiculous. (They look faster, but you'll get sick and tired of everyone having the same 3 hit combo very fast.)
Class builds are extremely limited. (I can't dual wield weapons with my warrior? I can't use axes or maces on my rogue? Arcane warrior spec is GONE?)
"Streamlined" item system actually means having less access and freedom to use the gear you find. (I can't equip anything on my allies? Huh????)

But because it's a sequel, we must always compare it to the the previous game. And it does nothing to follow in the heels of Dragon Age: Origins, which is miles ahead in almost everything.I intend to buy Dragon Age II, before that i want to whether it is a good game or not? ?
If you played Origins and are expecting more of the same you may be disappointed. A lot of the criticism of DA2 comes from people who didn't want anything to change. But, if you accept the game for what it is I think you will like it. The combat is fast paced and fun, the dialogue and companion interactions are great, and the cinematics are much improved. They also streamlined the inventory and crafting so it is much easier to manage your stuff. The only big letdown for me was the ending. But the assumption is that it will be resolved in a future expansion.

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