Saturday, February 25, 2012

Dragon Age II, Ancient Rock Wraith Battle?

What is the secret to winning against him?! My party is Hawke (Rogue assassin) Varric (duh) Isabela and Fenris. It's not necessarily that it's hard, (or maybe it is) but everyone keeps losing health too fast, too quickly for the quick heal to regenerate or whatever. How can my companions last long enough to kill it?Dragon Age II, Ancient Rock Wraith Battle?
First of all, your party seems very unbalanced. I would definitely bring a mage (for ranged attacks and healing) and possibly two tanks. It's never a good idea to have more than two of a certain class in my party, because it leaves your party weak in one way or another.

If you have too many tanks (or even direct attackers, who use swords or daggers) are more vunerable to getting hurt because they are directly attacking the foe. This might be why your companions are dying so quickly, because they are taking the most damage.

If you have too many mages, you don't have enough strength. Mages die too easily, and need at least one warrior to protect them.

If you have too many rogues, your team won't be powerful enough to kill everything. Rogues are quick and may critical hit, but don't have enough strength. They need warriors to add power and mages to help them from afar.

When I was a rogue who used duel weapons, I made sure I had at least two ranged attackers. I used Varric (who uses arrows) and Anders (who heals and attacks from afar.) Then, I added a tank (Aveline or Fenris) to add the power.

Getting a strong, stable party is all about balance.

Hmm... also check the difficulty you're on. Lower it if you can. Lastly, the Wraith will let out a jet of red light that stuns and hurts your party members. When you see the Wraith preparing that attack, get all you're party members behind the pillars around you. This will save you a lot of damage.

Just remember, dragon age is all about strategy, strategy, strategy. Keep this in mind when you're making decisions.Dragon Age II, Ancient Rock Wraith Battle?
Make sure when hes about to unleash that charged beam attack you and your party go behind a pillar to avoid it. If your doing that but still struggling, have one party member such as varric take out the small wraiths that spawn while the rest attack the big guy. Your probably stuggling because of your lack of mage.Dragon Age II, Ancient Rock Wraith Battle?
Doesn't seem like you brought a balanced party....

For me, the party I used was:

Aveline (Tank)
Anders (Healer)
Hawke - 2h warrior

Depending on the difficulty level, the fight can take a very long time, but the rock wraith has pretty transparent attack patterns. Even on high difficulty, the battle was mostly based entirely on attrition and endurance. The trickiest part was knowing when to order Aveline to use Stonewall, and managing Anders' group heal.

You're really late along the quest, so I don't really know what you can do with the party you got. You don't have anyone that can heal, and probably don't have a tank unless you spec'd Fenris to be one. It seems like you might've dug a hole for yourself in this one, so unless you want to keep trying with the party you got, I'd drop the difficulty all the way down and get the fight over with.

You should always bring a healer. Anders is the obvious choice because of his exclusive healing abilities, but even any other mage with the simple Heal spell would be a huge help (Anders is definitely recommended though)

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