Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mass Effect 2: Suicide mission (F*cking Jack)?

From the moment I met her, I f*cking hated Jack. I always told her to chill out, to calm down, and to do the right thing..She never f*cking listens. I did her goddamn side quest because I felt sympathy for her, not because I had to. I was nice to her with EVERYTHING. But just ONE slip up. One goddamn slip up. And guess what that is? The stupid argument that Jack and Miranda, where I sided with Miranda because at the time I was trying to romance her, but in the end, I ended up romancing Tali.

I had full paragon, but I couldn't talk to Jack. So I looked it up, and it said that it didn't matter. Jack would still be loyal to me.

So, its the suicide mission, and I make great choices. Everybody survived. EVERYBODY!! I didn't even see Jack die. After I defeated the final boss, I saw a cutscene of Jack on the floor when I was leaving. Joker told me everybody was onboard. I didn't even bring Jack with me to anything..

F*cking hell. I wouldn't be so pissed off about this if it didn't affect the achievement. I hate Jack. She's always b*tching and moaning about something. She's a downer. If it didn't affect the achievement, I'd be glad that she died. Good riddance.

So it was only Jack that ruined the achievement for me. The crew, and everybody else survived.

There is always ONE girl who has to ruin the game for in Bioware. In KOTOR, it was Bastilla. In Dragon Age: Origins, it was Morrigan. In Dragon Age II, it was Meredith and Bethany. And now for Mass Effect 2, it's Jack.Mass Effect 2: Suicide mission (F*cking Jack)?
Lol, I know how ya feel, luckily for me on my very first play through I didn't have her loyalty I lost it when I sided with Miranda, so she got owned when we were all leaving.

All the characters you listed I agree with, except, Morrigan from DA:O, She was awesome, Leliana was annoying in my opinion.

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